Physical Wellbeing

We place a high emphasis on physical wellbeing at Paget Primary School, with numerous opportunities for all children to be active throughout each day. Such activities are encouraged during face-to-face lessons, time slots and over our social media platform ie. Twitter challenges.

PE lessons enable children to become more physically literate and enjoy various aspects of PE. This includes Invasion games, striking and fielding games, Net and wall games, Gymnastics, Dance, Athletics, Outdoor adventure and Swimming. The aim is to ensure that children enjoy physical activities so that they choose to do them in their own free time.

There is a range of equipment available to use at lunch times, with emphasis on the whole child by allowing opportunities for Physical games, social interaction and competitions. This allows all children the opportunity to be the best they can be in a number of ways and be proud to take part in a number of areas.

Sports/Play Leaders have the job of supporting staff to encourage physical activity, officiating team games and providing lots of opportunities to engage as many pupils as possible. Such roles take place within lunchtimes and PE lessons.

We offer a number of extra-curricular sports clubs, with something available to every year group. This is an important part of both physical and mental wellbeing and is encouraged throughout Team Paget.

PE lessons enable children to become more physically literate and enjoy various aspects of PE. This includes Invasion games, striking and fielding games, Net and wall games, Gymnastics, Dance, Outdoor Adventurous Activities and Swimming. The aim is to ensure that children enjoy physical activities so that they choose to do them in their own free time.