Paget Primary School
Paget Primary School is located in the Pype Hayes area of Erdington, Birmingham.
We are a two-form entry primary school with a Nursery class and a Resource Base for pupils with ASD.
We operate a fully inclusive curriculum and environment with values at the heart of all we do. We work together with children, parents and any relevant outside agencies to ensure that all of our children achieve all they are capable of and more.

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Train to Teach
- Provides QTS & PGCE
- High quality training in local schools
- Consistently high completion and employment rate
- Graduates & career changers welcome
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Headteacher’s Welcome
On behalf of myself, staff and governors I would like to extend to you all a very warm welcome to Paget Primary School.
We are an inclusive, values based school and pride ourselves on providing the best possible opportunities and outcomes for all of our children.
Paget Primary School is a two form entry primary school in the heart of the Pype Hayes Estate. In addition to the main school we have a Nursery class and an ASD Resource Base.
Children at Paget come from a range of home backgrounds, cultures, abilities and religions and all get on extremely well together to make a kind, warm and friendly atmosphere where all children thrive and develop. Ofsted said that “pupils typically behave very well in school and on the playground. They are courteous and polite, and show respect to each other.”