Values and Aims

Values Education

Paget Primary is a Values School. It is our core values that determine our thinking and behaviour. Through installing of our core values, we create a positive culture for teaching and learning is created which is based upon valuing ourselves, each other and the environment.

Our school values support the development of the whole child. Our core values are reinforced and demonstrated throughout our school day and activities.

Our Core Values are:

  • Respect
  • Determination
  • Passion
  • Team Work
  • Honesty
  • Responsibility
  • Self-Belief

Parents are encouraged to support values at home through the school’s newsletter in which there is a section dedicated to values which explains the value of the month and how parents can support at home.

Our Mission Statement

Team Paget: Stronger Together

School Motto

To be the best that we can be

School Aims

  1. Create a safe, secure, caring environment where differences are respected and celebrated.
  2. Remove barriers to learning so that all children can flourish in a culture of ambition and achievement
  3. Provide a curriculum that develops the whole child, excites imagination, fires curiosity, raises aspirations and widens horizons
  4. Enable children to communicate effectively and make a difference in the modern world
  5. Build a strong supportive partnership with our community based on trust, honesty and high expectations of all

British Values

​At Paget Primary School, the promotion of British Values, along with our own School Values (see above) is an intrinsic part of daily school-life and the curriculum.

British Values are:

  • The Rule of Law
  • Democracy
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect
  • Tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs

We believe that promoting these fundamental British values, along with our own school values, will help us to ensure our pupils’ become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain.

By the end of their Paget Primary School experience pupils will have had the opportunity to develop:

  • An understanding of how citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process.
  • An understanding that the freedom to hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law.
  • An acceptance that people having different faiths and beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated, and should not be the cause of discriminatory behaviour.
  • An understanding of the importance or identifying and combating discrimination.

Much of our work towards promoting British Values, comes through our daily school routines, and in the positive interactions, which are expected between all members of our school community. 

Time is taken to share our school and classroom expectations and to ensure that everyone understands their rights and responsibilities and how these contribute to making our school a happy and safe place to be. 

Our class and school councils give pupils a voice, which is listened to and impacts upon daily school life. 

Children are encouraged to make their own choices through simple routines such as choosing their own school dinner, deciding which after school club to attend or how to spend their hard-earned Paget Pounds.

Children of faith are encouraged to be proud of their beliefs and share their knowledge, and experiences, as well as their special times. We celebrate the faiths and the origins of all our children.

British values are also introduced, revisited and discussed during whole school and class assemblies and are discretely taught and explored during PSHE lesson. However, all curriculum areas provide a vehicle for furthering understanding of these concepts, for example;

Music: the music curriculum encourages individuality both in terms of children’s opinions about music shared and in the way that it enables them to cultivate individual music tastes

PE: in PE lessons, pupils are encouraged to develop an understanding of the importance of sportsmanship, playing by the rules and how to win and lose fairly

History: the topic of discrimination in Year 6 allows pupils to develop an understanding of prejudice, exploring how key events have taken place, why they happened and perhaps most importantly the lessons we can learn from them about the importance of tolerance and mutual respect.

Geography: through the Geography Curriculum, learn more about the countries of the world, including their own.  Children learn about democracy and the impact the decisions made by those in power have on specific places.   

RE: during RE pupils learn about aspects of many different faiths, including the laws of the faith and the reasons behind them. Through their work pupils develop an understanding and appreciation of the different religious beliefs within their community.

Science: when working scientifically, pupils are encouraged to make choices about the questions they would like to investigate. They are taught the importance of safety rules and how not following the rules can have undesired consequences 

Maths: in maths lessons pupils are encouraged to take turns and share practical equipment respectfully. During work on shape and space pupils learn about and come to appreciate patterns and shapes, originating from different religions

English: texts from a range of different cultures and faiths are explored through reading lessons and are used as starting points for writing units. Pupils are actively encouraged to peer assess writing and are expected to respond in a positive and respectful manner

Languages: as well as learning another language, pupils are encouraged to learn about and appreciate a variety of aspects of a different culture; geography, food, traditions and beliefs

Art: children are encouraged to express themselves and their ideas freely in art. They are encouraged to discuss their reasons for different choices and to have the confidence to follow their own ideas even if they are different to those around them. They are encouraged to develop an awareness and appreciation of other cultures through learning about artists, and using work from a range of artists as stimuli.

D and T: the children are taught to respect the products and practices of others. They discuss similarities and differences in order to appreciate work of others from different cultures and countries.

Computing: during computing lessons pupils are taught to follow the rules to help keep themselves and others safe online. They learn about the importance of showing respect for themselves and others within their online interactions.