
To apply for school places in Reception at the start of each academic year you can apply online for a school place for by visiting the Birmingham City Council School Admissions web page

Open sessions for prospective Paget Primary School Reception places are usually run in October and November. Please contact the school office to arrange a time.

Our Admissions Policy can be read on our Policies page.

Admissions to Nursery

Usually children are admitted into Nursery in the first September following their third birthday.

Children are entitled to 15 hours per week nursery provision which is currently run over a two and a half day basis – all day Monday, all day Tuesday and Wednesday morning. To put your child’s name down for our Nursery please contact the school office.

Admissions to Reception 2024 

See the Birmingham City Council School Admissions web page for admission arrangements. Our admissions are dealt with centrally by Birmingham City Council. 

A letter (read it here) should have been received direct from Birmingham City Council to all parents with a child born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, giving you instructions on how to apply online for your place. You may apply for a place now by clicking the link above. 

When to apply: Parents can apply for a place in the Autumn of the year before their child turns 4. You must apply for a place as soon as possible: 

  • Attendance at a nursery class does not give a child automatic priority for a place. 
  • Do not wait until your child is five years old, or your preferred school may already be full. 

Applications open on 1 October 2024 for primary school applications for entry in September 2025. 

The closing date is January 2025 tbc 

It is really important that you apply on time. If you apply late, you are less likely to get offered a place at any of your preferred schools. Applications received after the January 2025 deadline will be classed as late applications and will not be processed until after the offer of places in April 2025. 

Remember to list three different primary schools. 

Open Days are held during the year. We have planned open days on 12.11.24 at 2.45pm, on 26.11.24 at 1pm and on 12.12.24 at 4pm. If you are unable to make these dates, please contact the school. 

If you have any questions with regards the admission process, please do not hesitate to contact us

In-Year Admissions

If you wish your child to move to Paget in the middle of a school year then please contact the school office. Parents/Carers should also have asked the child’s current school’s Head Teacher to sign the completed in year admission form.

Please be aware there may already be a waiting list if the class you require is full.

You will be asked to complete an admission form and then asked to attend a meeting with a senior member of staff to ensure that both parents and school have the right information to enable a smooth start to Paget school life for your child.