Attendance & Punctuality

Regular Attendance

Regular attendance means your child can make the most of their education, improving their chances in adult life. School will also help your child’s social skills, such as making and keeping friendships.

At Paget we aim for every child to have at least 96% attendance over the year and we celebrate those who achieve 100% attendance each half term as well as for the whole year.  As a reward any child that achieves 100% attendance for the whole year will take part in the attendance reward trip, paid for by school. Any child that achieves 96% or above will also receive a small rewarded at the end of the school year.

Poor Attendance

Irregular or poor attendance at school leads to pupils underachieving and under-performing in their learning. As well as academically it can also affect them socially and emotionally.

AttendanceDays MissedStatus
95%9 days absence (1 week, 4 days)Satisfactory
90%19 days absence (3 weeks, 4 days)Poor
85%29 days absence (5 weeks, 4 days)Unacceptable
80%38 days absence (7 weeks, 3 days)Unacceptable
75%46 days absence (9 weeks, 1 day)Unacceptable


Lateness has a strong negative on children’s learning. The children may arrive between 8.45 and 9.00am, but should be in school ready to start learning at 9.00am.

Children who arrive late to school must report to the school office. Parents of children who are persistently late for school will meet with school staff to discuss reasons for persistant lateness, and to explore any support you might need that we could offer, or help source for you.


Do not keep your child at home ‘just in case’ when they could be at school learning. School will always contact you if your child needs to go home. Non prescribed/prescribed medication can be administered in school with parental consent and once paperwork is completed at the school office.

If your child is ill, please call/text/whatsapp on 07493838732 or call the school office on 0121 464 3902 by 8.30am each day and give an estimated time when they will return. Failure to do so may incur an unauthorised absence. Phone/text every day, it is your responsibility to let us know.

Medical Appointments

If a child needs to see the doctor, dentist or visit the hospital, we ask parents/carers to make appointments out of school hours. However, if your child needs to leave school during the school day you must always inform the office staff.

If it is to attend a medical appointment, evidence, such as a letter, appointment card, text message or signed compliment slip must be shown to the office staff before an authorised absence will be granted. Without evidence, the absence will be unauthorised.

Holidays During Term Time

Holidays in term time are not permitted and will not be authorised by school unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Parents/carers who choose to take holiday in term time must inform school and fill out the appropriate paperwork. Parents/carers are at risk of a Fixed Penalty Notice from the Local Authority. For further information, please see our Attendance and Punctuality Policy.

What will school do if my child’s attendance is low?

If your child’s attendance is below 96%, you will be contacted and asked to meet with school staff. Depending on the level of attendance and the circumstances for absence, school will work with you to improve the situation. In some cases, we may make a referral to CASS for support. If attendance fails to improve, parents could face prosecution and a fine through the Fast Track approach.

Also see: School Attendance – a very important message for parents/carers – September 2023

We are Here to Help

Paget has a network of support and offer advice to our families on any aspect of school life. If you wish to speak to Mrs Spiers, you can contact her via the telephone.