Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club at Paget provides a safe and fun environment for your child to start the school day.
We provide a variety of activities to suit the needs of all children. There are quieter spaces for children to read; complete any homework they may have been struggling with; waking up gradually. There are also more creative and structured activities for those children who are up at the break of dawn, full of energy.
A variety of cereals, toast and juice are available each morning. The children are encouraged to help themselves and try their best to be independent when making their breakfast (of course there is always a member of staff on hand if anyone needs help with the trickier tasks, like adding jam to their toast!) The children all sit around a table when eating breakfast and are able to talk with each other and help clear away the plates, just like a family breakfast time at home.
As the Breakfast Club is run by Paget staff, all school expectations are in place during the morning, and this can always be seen in the excellent values the children demonstrate.
Opening Times
Breakfast Club runs from 8.00 to 8.45am; Mon-Fri; term time only. However, we advise that your child attends before 8.30am to allow sufficient time for them to eat their breakfast and to support staff in getting children to class on time.
Your child can be dropped off at any time between 8.00 and 8.45 via the large car park next to the school dinner hall (Parents/ Carers must ensure that their child has safely entered the building by escorting them from the car park to the dinner hall entrance). When breakfast club is over, all children will be taken to their classrooms by a member of staff, ready to start the school day.
Breakfast Club is currently £2.00 a day. This can be paid for on ParentPay.
If you wish to book a place for your child at Breakfast Club, please collect an application form from the school office and complete. You can hand it in, to either Miss Steer or back to the main school office. You will receive a letter to advise whether your child has been offered a regular/ one off booking or placed on the waiting list.
The Breakfast Club is managed by Miss Steer and other staff who support the children in Breakfast Club daily.
What the children who attend Breakfast Club think:
- “I like having my breakfast with my friends.”
- “The teachers are always happy to see me.”
- “I get to play lots of fun games and the teachers help me with my homework when I’m stuck at home.”