Parental Engagement

At Paget Primary School, we value the engagement and the bond we have with our parents and the wider community. We see Parental Engagement as parents, carers and school staff working together, alongside other agencies and organisations, to support and improve the learning, development and health of children.

Parents and carers have a key part to play in the children’s education and this starts from staff greeting children in the morning and class teachers been available to receiving and responding to any parental concerns.

Parental Engagement

Parental engagement is key to the roles of the Pastoral Staff, Well-Being and SEMH Lead, Family Support Worker and teaching staff. We aim to offer the right support or advice in response to parental needs.  Whether that means, helping parents to improve their child’s attendance or offering practical solutions to their home learning needs.

Children are at the heart of everything we do at Paget, and we understand the importance and impact of home learning. Engaged and supportive parents can have a positive impact upon a child’s learning and with this in mind it is important for us to make sure that all parents know and can access the support that they need, as well as being kept up to date with what is taking place in school.

Parent and Carer Meetings

Throughout the year, workshops and information sharing sessions will take place for parents and carers. These will be on a range of learning areas and events that will be taking place.

Parents’ Evenings

Parents’ evenings are held in the Autumn term and in the Spring term. At these meetings, teachers will inform parents and carers about the progress that their child is making and the next steps for development.  It is a time for parents to be made aware of their child’s personal targets and how they can support their child at home. In the Summer term, we hold a celebration event.
