
Clubs and other extra curricular activities are run on a variety of days by our teachers and are open to all members of the school as indicated in the clubs letter below.

We aim to provide an exciting and engaging extra-curricular timetable which is matched to the children’s interests and needs. We encourage and support children to reach their full potential, providing a stimulating and interactive extra- curriculum timetable.

Our before, during and after school activities include the following opportunities:

Archery Club

The children learn how to correctly handle a bow and arrow and develop hand eye-co-ordination. They part in a variety of fun competitions/games against peers, which builds self-esteem and gives them a sense of accomplishment. Archery is also great for improving focus, patience and even math skills.


ActivAll is the fantastic high-impact reaction wall, designed for fitness, health, and fun. Combining movement, action, coordination, and problem-solving, ActivAll is acknowledged as a unique inclusive fitness tool, giving everyone access to exercise regardless of ability, age, or fitness..

  • Tackles obesity and improves fitness
  • Strengthens cognitive skills and improves mental health
  • Develops communication and teamwork
  • Records improvements


Hi everyone, Mr Harris here and I’m so excited to start basketball club with you all! We will train our on the MUGA after school on a Wednesday and practise your dribbling, passing and shooting skills. It will be an excellent chance to keep fit, improve your basketball skills, make some new friends and also try our for the basketball team! Look forward to seeing you there!

Book and Biscuits


We love books at Paget and we want your children to love reading.  The aim of the club is for parents to come along and read with their child in a relaxed way.  We can support you and your child with top tips as well as having the chance to meet other parents (plus the biscuits are delicious!).

At the end of the session,  we will have a story time where we will share our favourite books.


Boxing club is a fun, energy burning club and pupils will gain knowledge of the sport boxing. The children will take part in active exercises each week. Also the children will learn self-control and improve self-confidence.

Such skills include:

  • Boxing techniques and drills
  • Skipping, shadow boxing
  • Partner work, for example pad work
  • Circuit training
  • Strength training

Change for Life

Health for Life club gives our children an opportunity to explore how we can live a healthy life.

The club offers a mixture of activities. This includes cooking healthy dishes, enjoying multi skills games, parachute games and looking at food choices.

Our intention is to help children think about how active their lives are, what they eat and how we can educate others to make good choices.


Cheerleading is a team activity that includes elements of dance, acrobatics, jumps and stunting. It focuses on team work so that the children can learn to safely balance and hold each other in the air. They will use their dance and gymnastics skills to tumble together and complete the moves in time.


I look forward to starting my choir in November. The aim is to support our musical theatre club and to help our children sing with joy, happiness and above all in tune!

Creative Arts

The Arts and Crafts club is an opportunity for the children to come and express themselves creatively, regardless of their artistic abilities.

They will get to make a range of creative pieces based on a theme such as ‘Bonfire Night’ and will be able to choose from different materials and techniques. The children will be encouraged to mix with different age groups and the atmosphere will be relaxing yet fun.

Development Football

Development Football is a confidence booster in the sport of Football so the children can excel and progress in all aspects of the game.

The overall aim of the Football development club is to work on technique, speed, agility, and progressing finally onto mini sides matches.


Dodgeball club is run every Wednesday morning and is open to all from Year 3, 4, 5 and 6.

It is a fun and fast game that requires lots of stamina. We have been practising lots and improving our skills.

Film Club

During film club, children will be given an opportunity to watch a range of genres: comedy, Science fiction, documentaries and many more. Hopefully, this will not only develop the children’s interest and enjoyment of films but also develop their understanding of visual literacy skills.

The children can bring their own snack and drink, then sit back, relax and enjoy​.

Forest School

Forest School is run on a Thursday lunchtime with Mrs Holmes. It’s an outside environment and we will be exploring all things nature. It allows children to develop themselves.

We will be completing different activities and learning about the importance of nature. In Forest School we can adapt the activities out to suit the children.

This club is very child led so I can’t wait to hear your ideas and expand Forest School. I can’t wait to start this journey with you!


Football Club was organised by holding trials for the Paget Football Year 3 and 4 Team, 5 and 6 Team and a Girls Team.

Each week involves player and team development. It includes practising individual ball skills, developing their levels of fitness, improving self-confidence and understanding football as a game. The children have the opportunity to build upon our sporting values of teamwork, determination, passion, self-belief, respect and honesty.

Friendship Club

Is a place where you can come at lunchtimes. You will learn how to relax, play games, learn some new skills like how to calm yourself down and how to be a good friend. The most important thing is that you will have fun and make new friends.

Girl Power

Miss Forbes invites all girls from year 3 upwards to join Girl Power. It’s a girls only club where you will learn new skills make new friends and learn how to be a leader. (For the girls in year 5 and 6. The girls in year 3 and 4 will be training for the leadership roles) 

You will have a choice of the new activities that we will be learning and have a chance to meet new children from other schools that are also part of of Girl Power in the Birmingham area. 

Gardening Club

At Gardening Club, we encourage the children to learn about healthy and sustained vegetable growing.

We grow arrange of vegetables including, potatoes, onions, lettuce and much more. We also learn about the process and preparation for growing a good crop and put this into practice.

When the weather turns colder, we concentrate are making the garden area look tidy and liven it up by making scarecrows and other outside features.

Let’s Fizz

An opportunity for the more energetic pupils to use some of that extra energy before returning to class on the afternoon. This will be a mixture of highly active activities and games. The idea is for children who do not usually volunteer to take part in physical activities to be given the opportunity to try new things. These will be children, that physical activity would benefit and help focus their minds and make them more calm and ready to learn.

Life Skills

Life club gives our children an opportunity to explore how we can live a healthy life and develop our life skills. The club offers a mixture of activities. This includes cooking healthy dishes, enjoying multi skills games, looking at food choices, growing food and being creative. Our intention is to help children think about how they develop their skills for life.

Mindful Monday

From Art to Zumba! A fun range of activities to keep our mind and bodies healthy and active with Mrs Lovell.

Mindful Time

part in mindful activities, calming music will help the children to relax and have a mindful break during lunchtime. The children will have colouring, craft and quiet games they can play before going back to class after lunch. The children who choose this club will make it their own and will choose different ways to show mindfulness in order to support their wellbeing.


At multi – skills we will be providing the children with a range of exciting and fun games. Some of these games will include basketball, dodgeball, rounders, running and obstacle courses, etc. The aim is to learn and develop new skills to support them. This will help build confidence and social skills. Looking forward to it!

Musical Theatre

Musical theatre club is a great way for our children to explore dancing and singing from some well-known musicals such as The Lion King and Matilda. It’s joyous, lively, fun and open to all pupils who just want to come and have a good time!

Netball Club

Netball Club is run by Mrs Nussey and takes place on a Monday after school.  Netball club is open to all children from Years 4, 5 and 6 and we play outside most of the time, including in the cold weather so make sure you have warm PE kit for our sessions.

At netball club, we teach the children how to play traditional seven-a-side netball as well as High 5 Netball.  We also practise ball skills, tactics, drills and play mini matches. The children learn to play in all the positions in a team and practice attacking, defending and shooting.

In netball we develop and put into practise all of the school and sporting values through the competitions, leagues and friendly matches we play.

It’s a great way for the children to get active, enjoy themselves and make new friends – oh and Mrs Nussey has a great time too!

Olympic Legacy

Olympic Legacy is for our Gifted and Talented pupils in KS2. The children have a regular weekly club to develop their sporting talent. At Paget we have lots of different sporting teams. Our teams are represented in three levels:

  • Level 1 – Intra Sport Competition
  • Level 2 – Inter Sport Competition
  • Level 3 – Sainsbury’s School Game Festivals

Working together, accepting decisions and understanding that people have different abilities allows us to grow up to be confident and active. We follow the Sainsbury’s School Games values, which are: Honesty, Determination, Teamwork, Respect, Passion and Self-belief.


Mr Harris is so excited to introduce our new running club to Paget. Running is a massive passion of mine, over the last few years I have competed in many races, including marathons and ultra marathons. Running is something that is good for your physical and mental health and it is something that has helped me massively.

We will be taking the running club outside of school on a Monday lunchtime, stick as a group as we run different routes around Erdington. My ultimate plan is to take a team of runners to compete in a 10k race towards the end of the school year, a great challenge for us to aim for, and also get some amazing medals! Can’t wait to start running with you guys!

Tag Rugby

Tag rugby takes place on a Monday after school.

The sport originates from rugby league and substitutes the tackling for a belt with Velcro tags. This means tag rugby is not a full contact sport but instead minimal contact.

The aim is to teach the KS2 children the basics of rugby and the values that go along with it such as, team work, courage, resilience, confidence, determination and perseverance. The lessons will be fun and active lessons that the children will always walk out of it sweating.

Try a Sport

A club that explores a variety of different Sports across the Year. With the hope of having fun, whilst developing key skills in all aspects of sports, and to find hidden and undiscovered passions.


The Vigor Board is an exciting new alternative to the traditional physical activities.

There are two types of board available – the standard two-wheel board and the junior three-wheel board. The standard two-wheel board is easy to learn and use but for children with less confidence or poor balance the three-wheel junior board is the preferred option.

Well-Being Wednesday

Well-being Wednesday gives you the opportunity to switch off from the stresses of the day. Each week, we will look at various strategies that will help us remain calm and focussed. Some of these activities include meditation, mindfulness colouring, calming games, circle chat, reflective discussion, well-being strategies, yoga, plus much more. Each week we will have the opportunity to reflect on the week so far and discuss ideas and strategies that will help us navigate our busy days at Paget. It is also the ideal opportunity to chat will people you wouldn’t normally see during the school day.

Wow Wow Wow

In wow wow wow club we will be having lots of fun! There will be painting, dancing, games, drawing and craft making! We are very excited about doing lots of wonderful activities with Reception!

Young Leaders

Our Young Leaders are represented by Year 5 and 6 pupils who work on various lunchtime activities across Foundation, KS1 and KS2.

The Young Leaders use a variety of games and activities to support and engage pupils in a fun, safe and active lunchtime. The children have the opportunity to build upon our Sporting values of teamwork, determination, passion, self-belief, respect and honesty.