School Council
Paget’s School Council makes a valued contribution to the successful running of the school, through having a ‘voice’ to represent their views and raise issues.
Each class democratically elects their school council representatives, who then work on behalf of the children in their class to make a positive contribution to their school and its environment. They take a lead on promoting positive changes in the lives of every child in the school.
Each class holds regular ‘Class Councils’ to discuss and solve problems in everyday school life. The outcome of their discussions is then taken to the School Council by the class representatives.
Mrs Thomas hosts the school council meetings each half term.
At the first meeting each year the Executive Committee of the School Council is democratically elected by the school council representatives. This committee consists of a Chair Person, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.
Being a School Councillor enables children to develop life skills through involvement in solving real life issues.
This year the School Council will be focusing its work how to encourage all children to read, improving the playgrounds and making Paget even better than it already is.