Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

This is the children’s final year of Key Stage 1 and throughout the year we build on all the children have learned so far. We will do this through a variety of exciting themes and the Paget Curriculum Guarantee, building on your child’s education and developing their learning in all areas from English and Maths to PE, DT, Art, Science, RE, PSHE and lots of Music!

We will continue to use the amazing Read Write Inc scheme to help your children with their phonics and developing their reading (with a focus on fluency and comprehension of a great range of books).

Once the children have progress through the RWI scheme, they will take part in English lessons that are based around wonderful texts, such as Please Mrs Butler and George’s Marvellous Medicine.

In Maths, our lessons are very practical, with a lot of group talk and exploration around concepts. We encourage a ‘can do’ attitude to Maths and believe that every child can succeed, they just need to be provided with the tools to do so. To boost Maths your child will have access to Numbots and moving to TT Rockstars, which are carefully sequenced programmes of number and timetables practice, where children can pick a character to play as and they can practice timetables with a focus on their 2, 5 and 10 tables.

Another fun thing in year 2 is that we get to go on a residential for two days and one night where we try out great activities like canoeing and singing round a proper campfire.

We hope you will have the best time in Year 2 and we look forward to helping your child to grow both socially and academically.

The teaching staff in Year 2 are Mrs Devi (Class Teacher), Mrs Waring (Class Teacher and EY/KS1 English Lead) and Miss Tone (Teaching Assistant).

Termly Curriculum Grids

Find out what we are learning each term. The newest documents are at the top: