School Meals
Children may either have a school lunch or bring their own healthy packed lunch. We would ask you to make a request to the office for your child to change from hot dinners to packed lunches. Hot, nutritional school meals are cooked in our school kitchen. The School Meals service is provided by a professional catering company specialising in school meals. Lunchtime Supervisors care for the children during their lunchtime. There is a choice of main meals and puddings and water is provided. Children are not permitted to bring their own drinks to school for consumption with school meals.
The cost of school meals for children in KS2 is currently £2.70 per day. Dinners must be booked the day before they are required. If this should alter we will let you know as soon as possible. Dinner money can be paid weekly, monthly or half termly and must be paid via Parent Pay, our electronic payment system.
The menu is available for you to peruse on the school website. The school meals menus are nutritionally balanced based on the principles of
- Reducing salt
- Reducing sugar
- Reducing fat
- Increasing fibre
Good manners and high standards of behaviour apply at lunchtimes as well as during the rest of the school day.
Free School Meals
All children in Reception and KS1 are entitled to Universal free school meals. Children are also entitled to free meals if their families are in receipt of Universal Credit and meet the eligibility criteria. Please ask the school office for support with this. We would also be grateful if you could notify us of your eligibility even if you do not wish your child to have a free meal.
We encourage the children when they first start school in Nursery and Reception to have a hot school meal if possible. If your child does bring sandwiches to school we would strongly urge you to include a cooler block in the lunch box during the warmer months.
Other Drinks
We encourage all of the children to bring a drink of water to school with them to access throughout the day and also have fresh water fountains and taps in classrooms where children can refill their water bottles. No cans or glass bottles are allowed in school. We do not allow squash or other drinks.
All children in Early Years and Key Stage One receive a piece of fruit free of charge daily. Milk is given to Early Years children. All children are offered a bagel on their arrival to school.
Nut free school
At Paget, we are a nut free school, please do not send your child with any items for snack or packed lunches that contain nuts.
Lunch Menus – Relish
We use a pre order service called Relish with the children. Parents choose their child’s lunch in advance with their child at home. If your child has a specific allergy, they will not be able to select foods that contain the item(s) that they are allergic to.
Autumn 2024 Menu