School Meals

We provide food and drink to pupils at lunchtime which meets nutritional standards. The menus have been devised by the schools meals service with the support of the School Council.

The menus follow a three-week cycle and each day there are three options: one meat, one fish and one vegetarian. There is also a choice of hot pudding. Fruit or yoghurt. We also have a salad bar and breadbasket that the children access freely.

There are also special Themed Lunches which reflect current learning or festivals.

The children choose their lunch from the menu daily:

Prices for School Meals

Daily prices from 1 April 2024:

  • Nursery = £2.35
  • Primary = £2.65
  • UIFSM = £2.53

Money for school lunches should be paid at the school office weekly or via Parent Pay. If your child is entitled to free school meals please ask the school office for the relevant forms to fill in.

Free School Meals

The Government Universal free School Meal initiative (not to be confused with free school meals related to the Pupil Premium grant – see below) launched on 1 September 2014 states that all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have their lunches free and provided by the school.

We positively promote this and encourage all parents to take up this offer. We estimate that it will save parents hundreds of pounds per year and provide children with a well-balanced and nutritious lunch.

Pupil Premium grant also gives children an entitlement to a free school meal along with other benefits. If you are on low income and/or receiving benefits then please apply for this grant as the school receives extra income towards its education budget for your child.

Healthy Schools

At Paget we encourage children to drink plenty of water and eat healthy snacks of fruit or toast during morning playtimes.

Water is freely available throughout the day. All classrooms have sinks which have been fitted with special drinking water taps. We encourage children to bring in water bottles from home and re-fill them, either from the classroom taps or with cooled water from the water dispensers, which are situated around school. In addition, children can purchase bottled water from the school office.

Foundation and Key Stage 1 children receive a piece of fresh fruit daily provided by the DCFS free fruit scheme and milk. School pays for additional fruit and milk for KS2.