Year 4

Welcome to Year 4, where children are at the heart of the curriculum.

It is our aim to ensure that we offer a creative and enriching curriculum that provides exciting, stimulating topics in which the children are fully immersed. Where possible, a cross-curricular approach is used to broaden and deepen the children’s understanding.

We strive to encompass all Year 4 curriculum topics within each subject, making them relevant and meaningful to children. Therefore, during each topic children are given opportunities to share what they know and want to know. We then can cater for children’s curiosity by planning lessons around this.

Throughout Year 4, children are encouraged to further develop their independence. We set high expectations and use a number of different approaches to explore and deliver the topics to ensure we enable our children to develop skills they need to become successful learners. We want children to be inquisitive and passionate about their learning. We love nothing more than seeing extra work that the children complete at home.

Children focus on several topics across the year integrating their History, Geography, RE, Art and D.T and PSHE skills within these. Alongside this, we teach English, Mathematics, Science Computing, P.E, Music (Violin/Cornet) and French. We also ensure key skills and cross-curricular links are taught and encouraged.

Further to our exciting curriculum, the children are lucky enough to be given whole class, weekly cornet or violin tuition delivered by the Birmingham Music Service.

During Year 4 learning children will have to take a compulsory MTC (Multiplication Tables Check) test. Therefore, there will be a focus on them learning all of their times tables.

The teaching team consists of Mrs Connaughton and Miss Wheeler (Class Teachers) alongside Miss Steer (Teaching Assistant).

Termly Curriculum Grids

Find out what we are learning each term. The newest documents are at the top: