Year 5

Welcome to fabulous Year 5.

Year 5 is filled with exciting and captivating activities that will make learning fun and accessible for all. We strive to offer a broad, balanced and enriched curriculum, catering for the needs of all children and their learning needs, through creative and fun learning activities that encourage children to be motivated, work hard, achieve and enjoy themselves.

The Year 5 team are very excited to share the varied curriculum the school has designed to stimulate the children’s learning. Our first topic is South America, this builds on from previous years’ learning in their other Geography topics. We read a book called ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell, as a class during this topic which has proven very popular. They will be producing some written work about this book during their English lessons.

Later in the year, we will study the Ancient Greeks, using our chronological understanding of The Vikings and Romans to understand their place in history. This topic is filled with fantastic myths about Greek Gods and Goddesses and the birth of the Olympics. We will also be making stunning Grecian clay ware.

In the Spring term, we will be studying Space. As part of this topic, we will hopefully visit the National Space Centre in Leicester, where the children learn through interactive and fascinating exhibitions. . Further to these topics, we also learn Rivers (where a visit to Cardingmill Valley will take place) and the Ancient Islamic civilisation of Baghdad. Interwoven with these topics will be other curriculum subjects: RE (using the Birmingham Syllabus); PSHE (using JIGSAW); French, Art, Computing (with a focus on online safety) and DT. Also, we will be taking part in a range of PE activities where they will learn a range of skills that are transferable into sports including: netball, hockey, dance, gymnastics and a weekly swimming lesson.

The children are provided with English and Maths homework every week. To further support the children’s learning children will be given a Home Reading book and a Spelling Book, which will need to be returned to school daily, to keep a record of their reading at home and their spellings. We also ask children to practice their times tables using TT Rockstars. Class teachers will monitor the children’s access to these resources and reward those working hard on them.

Our aim is to ensure children develop their independence and are well prepared for the challenges they face in life.

The teaching team is Miss Robinson (Class Teacher and Curriculum Development Lead), Mrs Burns (Class Teacher) and Mrs Denny (Teaching Assistant).

Termly Curriculum Grids

Find out what we are learning each term. The newest documents are at the top: